Peter Hutt Counselling Worthing, Portsmouth, Southampton, Bournemouth and Bristol. Helping you make your life better.

Online counselling

I offer online counselling by Skype or Zoom. If you are abroad, too far away or can't leave your home for any reason, then online video sessions may be the answer.

Online counselling has become normal recently due to covid-19 and the subsequent restrictions. I have found that it has proved to be just as effective as face-to-face therapy and in some ways better.

Your can choose where to have your sessions from and clients have told me they find it easier to ‘open up’ online. That the quality of the relationship is just as good and the fact that they can be in their own room means that it feels safer and they feel less self-conscious when talking about personal issues.

Online counselling is convenient and saves you time. The sessions are 50 minutes long just like face-to-face, but there is no need to travel to a venue to meet up. It can save the hassle of finding parking or catching a bus. You can talk with me from the safety of your own home or from a place of your own choice.

To use Zoom or Skype, all you will need to do is download an app onto your mobile phone, tablet or computer. If you like, I can help you through this process.

If you have Skype already, then my ID is ‘plhutt‘ and my Skype name is ‘Peter Hutt Counselling’. If you want to use Zoom, then I would send you a link to log into our meeting at an agreed time. You could start by sending me a message, get in touch by email or call me on 07541 553614.

Click here for some suggestions and advice on how to prepare for online counselling.

Online Counseling


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